INK Top 100 issuers with December buybacks

INK Staff
Fri, 01/12/2024 13:50

We have published the INK top 100 issuers with buybacks in December. The list can be retrieved in worksheet format in INK Chat and will be incorporated into the January 13th workbook to be compiled on Saturday.

As a reminder, every Saturday we post the top 30 INK Edge up and down movers for the week and plus the outlook rankings of all stocks in our Canadian universe in the INK Chat workspace #stock_ideas channel. In that report, every Saturday after the 10th of the month we also include the 100 issuers with the most buybacks for the previous month as estimated by INK. Issuers have until the 10th day of the subsequent month to file their repurchases. A full list of our US rankings is included on the last Saturday of the month. 

Canadian Insider Club members who have signed up to receive our newsletters, please check your inbox for a copy of the December top buybacks list. If you are not a Club member, check out the benefits and join us today for access.

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