CFO buying at Hydro One (H)
CFO buying at Hydro One (T:H)
Updated Thursday May 11, 2017 01:45 AM EDT
Michael Harold Vels, CFO and Subsidiary Executive, acquired 5,000 Common Shares on a direct ownership basis at a price of $23.040 on May 9th, 2017. This represents a $115,200 investment into the company's shares and an account share holdings change of 18.7%.Hydro One is in the Electric Utilities Sub Industry Group under the Utilities Sector.
Hydro One Limited is an electricity transmission and distribution company. The Company operates through three segments: Transmission, Distribution and Other. Its transmission segment owns, operates and maintains its transmission system. Its distribution segment consists of distribution system operated by its subsidiaries, Hydro One Networks Inc. and Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. Its other segment consists of its telecommunications business and certain corporate activities. The telecommunications business provide telecommunications support for its transmission and distribution businesses, and offers communications and information technology solutions to organizations with broadband network requirements utilizing Hydro One Telecom Inc.'s fiber optic network to provide broadband connectivity. The Company, through its subsidiary, Hydro One Inc., owns and operates all of Ontario's electricity transmission network, and a 123,000 circuit kilometer low-voltage distribution network.
Headlines: May 11, 2017
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