On the Edge: Bet on our entrepreneurs, not politicians.

INK Staff
Fri, 01/24/2025 1:36

While Donald Trump is talking tough on tariffs with Canada, the best Justin Trudeau, Doug Ford and David Eby can do is threaten more taxes on Canadians. Eventually, the Canadian political class will have to throw in the towel and pivot from bloated government to supporting the private sector. Now is the time to bet on Canadian entrepreneurs before the pivot. Let the insiders guide you to opportunity in Canadian markets where our entrepreneurs are growing their businesses and will benefit from the move away from government to an energetic private sector.

Over the next few weeks will be distributing some of our reports for free via the Canadian Insider blog to highlight Canadian market opportunities identified by our INK Edge screens. We start off by providing a link to the January 23rd Morning INK Report, Insiders buy as Dominion Lending Centres shares rally. Learn more about the Morning INK Report from our short tutorial here>>.


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